The Low Down
By Craig Turner-Bullock

Do you want to instantly create more impactful images?
Then you need The Low Down!
Hi, Craig here! 👋
If there's just one piece of advice for dog photographers that makes the biggest difference to your work, it's this - get down low!
There's many reasons why shooting from a low angle makes your work 1000% better, and in this video I share them all with real-life shooting clips, plus bonus editing advice.
See how getting down low is the #1 thing that can transform your pet photos from snapshots into professional looking portraits and action shots.
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"Wow! The Low Down was really eye opening! I can't believe such a simple change can create such 'wow factor' images! I can't wait to try this out at my next session. Having the editing process included is the icing on the cake; two classes in one! Thank you Craig!"
Sheila Brauning, USA
This class covers:
- Why getting low is important for dog photography
- How getting low for your images creates impactful results
- How getting low changes the dynamic of action shots
- The best way to eliminate background clutter (can you guess what is is?!)
- Extreme getting low - lower than ground level!
- Comparison images at a variety of shooting angles
- Ways to get low if you don't want to get messy
- Real life shooting situations with 3 dogs
- My complete start to finish editing process in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom

If you want to start creating more impactful, engaging images - this video is for you. And I'm not sorry for the mess you might end up in! 😉