Simplifying Manual Exposure for Pet Photographers
With Charlotte Reeves

Learn how to nail perfect exposure every single time!
Hi, Charlotte here! 👋
Manual exposure can be daunting when you're first starting out, or if you've become stuck in a rut of relying on the automatic modes of your camera. Exposure triangles, aperture, ISO (whatever that is).... it can all just seem too hard.
Whether you're someone who is too intimidated to try manual mode, or if you already shoot in manual but find yourself struggling to choose settings, this resource is for you!
In this presentation, you will learn my exact formula for setting manual exposure for any type of shot!
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"Great course and wonderful instruction. Amazing that Charlotte is so engaged and wanting to help beginners have their 'AHHH HAAA!' moments!"
- Susan Campbell
About this resource
This video is a recording of a live group training call.
Is this video for you?
If you've ever tried to get your head around the "exposure triangle" and totally failed to grasp the concept, deciding to forever shoot in aperture priority mode, this video is for you!
You'll be happy to know, this is an exposure triangle free zone!
This video is also for you if you already shoot in manual exposure but can never seem to decide on which are the "best" settings - experiencing ongoing issues such as:
- blurry images
- underexposure
- overexposure
- poor image quality
It's not just you - pet photography is hard!
Pet photography is a special genre that combines aspects of portraiture, but can also incorporate action or "sports" photography. Dogs and other furry subjects are tricky subjects to capture well, and when there's so much else to think about (like getting them to stay in one spot, for a start), your exposure settings are often the last thing on your mind - which makes shooting in Manual exposure a real challenge!
But there is light at the end of the tunnel!
Following my simple guidelines for setting aperture, shutter speed and ISO can make the process of manually setting exposure straightforward, to the point where it becomes completely automatic and intuitive. Practice certainly helps, but so does having a clear starting point for settings!
This video covers:
- When and how I started shooting in manual
- Some eye-opening stats showing my most commonly used settings
- Why it's important to shoot in manual
- What advantages manual has over automatic exposure modes
- Handy camera hacks
- My exact formula for setting manual exposure
- A step-by-step guide for determining correct exposure and selecting the best aperture, shutter speed and ISO - based on the available light, your subject, the type of shot and what you want to achieve
- Special cameo appearance from my new puppy - Enzo the Australian Shepherd 🐶

If you're ready to take full control of your camera, and create perfectly exposed images every single time, this presentation is for you!
Buy the standalone resource now, or join the Unleashed Education Premium Membership for instant access to a wealth of pet photography resources!