Unleashed Education Blog

Unleashed Edit: Oliver in Spain (speed edit version)

speed edits unleashed edits Mar 17, 2023

By Charlotte Reeves

This "speed edit" is sped up around 40x from the full 37 minute editing tutorial, which is available in our Unleashed Education Premium Membership.

Oliver was photographed in Spain during our Barkelona workshop, posing beautifully on a bench next to a forest pathway.

But the lighting definitely wasn’t ideal! The backlight was very strong and the bokeh ended up blown-out. There was also not much light on the front side of Oliver.

Watch as Charlotte addresses the lighting issues with a creative way to improve the bokeh. She also shares a great technique for enhancing fur detail when the image is noisy and degraded from heavy editing.




About our Unleashed Edits

Join Charlotte and Craig as they guide you through comprehensive start-to-finish edits of their favourite images in these professionally-produced video tutorials.

Depending on the edit, they run between 18-35 minutes, are fluff-free (only good content) and have English closed captions so you won’t miss a thing.

Skip to the sections you’re interested via the provided timecodes, and download the actual RAW files so you can play along at home.

Our Premium Membership contains 38+ Unleashed Edits, plus stacks more pet photography shooting and editing resources. Discover what else is included when you check out the enrolment options.

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