Edit My Photo September 2022 - Ewan
Jul 21, 2023With Charlotte Reeves
Ewan was the winner of the August 2022 Edit My Photo challenge in the Unleashed Education community.
As the winner of the challenge, Ewan submitted this gorgeous shot of a Samoyed puppy in the Scottish Highlands. The image was shot with additional lighting so the light is already quite nicely balanced, but we’ll be working on bringing out some more detail and life in the background, and darkening down the rock in the foreground to bring attention to the subject.
Feel free to follow along from start to finish - or Fast Track through the tutorial using the timecodes below.
0:00 Introduction
0:58 Checking for Blown-Out Highlights
1:47 Global Adjustments in Lightroom
3:00 Masking in Lightroom
3:06 Bringing back detail to and enhancing the sky
4:08 Darkening the rock
4:42 Brightening and enhancing the dog
7:28 Enhancing the light in the background
8:31 Increasing the drama in the sky
9:19 Over to Photoshop
9:30 Leash removal in Photoshop
10:34 Tidy-up in Photoshop
11:44 Dodging and burning in Photoshop
13:39 Content-Aware Crop
15:10 Noise reduction with Topaz DeNoise
17:38 Final crop in Lightroom
It's totally free to join in on our Edit My Photo challenges! If you win, you get to submit one of your images to be edited by Charlotte or Craig, plus you score a 20-minute Lifeline Call on Zoom to discuss the edit or anything else relating to the art of pet photography. Opt in to the free Edit My Photo online hub now!
If you enjoyed this tutorial, you'll love our Unleashed Edits! These comprehensive editing tutorial videos are available in our Unleashed Education Premium Membership and also our Editing Unleashed Membership.
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