Unleashed Education Blog

Immie Keizer-Westra - Member Spotlight

member spotlights Mar 29, 2024

I'm Immie Keizer, living in Stavoren with my husband and two Flatcoated Retrievers, Happy and her daughter Joy. I have my own dog grooming salon and since 2019 I'm active as a dog photographer and I also do cake smash photo shoots.

I have learned a lot since I became a member of Unleashed Education about dog photography.

Tell us a bit about you?

I have a dog grooming salon and pet photography business. In my spare time I train my two flatcoats for working tests and hunting dog tests. I also show my dogs regularly and breed a litter once every 2 - 3 years under the kennel name Pepper's Reflection.

Why did you start photographing pets?

I always took pictures of my dogs, but when I bought a new camera I wanted to know more about the camera settings. After a basic photography course, I got the hang of it and continued to take online courses and workshops and started as a dog photographer in 2019. I became a member of Unleashed Education that helped me to improve my dog โ€‹โ€‹photography skills and also edit my photos in a better way.

What camera and lenses do you most often use?

My camera is a Canon EOS R6 and my favorite lens is the RF 70-200 2.8

What’s one thing in your camera bag you can’t live without?

My RF 70-200 2.8 lens

What’s the best thing about being a pet photographer?

It makes me happy to work with dogs, and happy again when I see the results of the shoot on my PC.

How would you describe your style?

I'm 90% an outdoor photographer.

What is your proudest achievement as a pet photographer?

I have some pictures in a competition marked as Highly Commended or Commended.

What are your photography goals for the future?

To improve my skills and find a style.

What do you do to cultivate and nurture your creativity?

I participated in Embark, Emerge and will participate in Empower next year. Also, every year, I attend a workshop on animal photography.

What specific skills have improved since being an Unleashed Education member?

I learned a lot, working with natural light and post-processing photos. Embark and Emerge teach you to take different photos than you normally do and to get out of your comfort zone.

What's your favourite thing about being an Unleashed Education member?

The RealShoots course and editing tutorials.

Have you ever had something funny happen during a shoot?

During a photo shoot with two cocker spaniels, the dogs were off the leash and playing in the woods. Until suddenly they disappeared into thin air. It turned out that they had run straight ahead and fallen down into the water. It was quite a high side and, lying on my belly in the mud while the customer held my legs, I was able to grab the dogs and pull them out of the water. From then on it was a wet look photo shoot.

This photo shoot was indoor in a church.

Retrieves all kinds of game. It is very sad that her owner has Alzheimer's and wanted to make as many memories as possible with Mädel. She especially wanted photos of Mädel with game.

For the first time a photo shoot with horses inside a church.

My own Happy, always happy to pose for me.

My youngest Joy

Mädel walks on water

Embark - Glow-Up

Puppy Miep

My oldest Happy

Old assistance dog Max

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Keizer Fotografie




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