Unleashed Education Blog

Edit My Photo Episode 2 - Dealing with Overexposed Snow

edit my photo Jul 22, 2020

Welcome to Episode 2 of the Edit My Photo Challenge!

In my Learn Pet Photography Facebook group, we run monthly editing challenges. How it works is:

  • I provide one of my RAW images for group members to download and edit
  • They post their final edits of my photo
  • From all the submissions, I choose a “winner”
  • The winner then submits one of their images for me to edit!

I love these challenges (and so do my students!) because it’s so interesting to see how different people’s individual styles and editing techniques can completely transform an image in so many different ways.

For me - editing the winner’s image gives me the opportunity to demonstrate new pet photography editing techniques!

If you’d like to join us in the private Facebook group for Learn Pet Photography so you can participate in these challenges, you just need to be a member of the Learn Pet Photography website by purchasing a course, or enrolling in some free training.

The winner of this challenge was Amanda, and she threw me a curve ball when she submitted a rather challenging image for me to work my magic on. In this edit, I deal with a common issue when shooting in snowy environments - overexposed snow! Luckily, I was able to use other parts of the image to reconstruct the areas of blown-out snow, using a few different techniques in Photoshop.

Join me in the tutorial and learn some new pet photography editing techniques for yourself!

And if you’d like to join us in the private Facebook group for the RealShoots Complete Course so you can participate in these challenges, you can find out more and enroll in the course here.


0:00 - Episode 2 Intro
0:35 - Editing Challenge winner
1:00 - Winner's image to edit
2:12 - Basic Lightroom adjustments
4:24 - Before & after of Lightroom edits
5:04 - Plan of attack in Photoshop
6:07 - Replacing the foreground snow
11:13 - Removing objects that don't make sense
11:42 - Getting rid of the flipped dog
14:00 - Fixing up the new foreground
17:31 - Before and After of the foreground
17:52 - Replacing the snow in the background
20:02 - Fix up repeating patterns
20:22 - More tidying up
21:39 - Fixing up bright areas
22:46 - Fixing up the snow line
23:04 - More cleanup
23:09 - Making the foreground blur consistent
23:48 - Crop check
24:14 - Filling in a bright area
25:06 - Back to Lightroom
25:29 - Cropping in Lightroom
25:59 - Post-crop vignetting
26:24 - Adding a gradient
26:49 - Final tweaks
27:16 - Raw file vs final image
27:40 - Outro
27:55 - Before and afters

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Want to improve your pet photography with free tips and expert advice? Join our mailing list and get our weekly newsletter packed with practical photography insights.

You’ll also be invited to join our free monthly Q&A session and editing challenge, where you can learn, ask questions, and refine your skills alongside fellow pet photographers.

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