Unleashed Education Blog

Album Cover Image Extension in Photoshop

free editing tutorials Mar 18, 2020

By Charlotte Reeves

Designing albums is just one of the extra skills often required when you are running a full service pet photography business.

My album supplier provides a Photoshop template for the cover artwork and I use this to provide a print-ready image including "bleed" - extra space around the outside of the album to allow for edge-to-edge printing. Even though the edges are going to be trimmed off, the image still needs to extends to the very edge of the template, taking up the full bleed area, to ensure there are no visible edges when printed.

For this cover of Raz and Chip and their parents, there just wasn't enough image to extend all the way to the edges and not crop off important parts of the photo, so I needed to create extra image space at the top and bottom.

This video takes you through the thought processes and steps involved in extending the image in Photoshop.

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