Join Embark!

em•bark (ɛmˈbɑrk); to commence or engage in a new project, venture

Our foundation 6-month interactive challenge-based online dog photography course in our Unleashed Challenges series! Focusing on helping you to learn new shooting skills and create more variety in your work.

Next course runs: May 1 - October 31, 2025

Enrolment for Embark 2025 opens in:









Spaces for 2025 are limited, so to join the waiting list, please enter your details below.

Feel like you're stuck in a creative rut?

Are you taking the same standard set of shots every time you head out to shoot?

Scrambling for new ideas to make your work interesting and fun for yourself, your dog, or your clients?

Let's flip the script...

Just imagine.

You’re heading out to a photo session, feeling confident, inspired and excited.

Tucked away in your brain is an entire library of possible shot ideas, with a solid knowledge of exactly how to create each type of shot.

You'll instinctively know how to find the perfect spot, how to use the light, how to handle the dog and which exposure and focus settings to use - plus what to do when things don’t go according to plan!

This is the outcome we want for you after completing Unleashed Challenge courses. Never again will you stop in the middle of a session, client waiting expectantly, completely out of ideas and struggling to know what to do next.

We’ve put our many years of dog photography experience into creating these world-first interactive online dog photography challenges. And we'd love to share them with you!

We can give you the key to unlock your creativity and unleash amazing variety in your work!

- Charlotte & Craig 📸 🐶 ✨

"Embark has been phenomenal! If you are wondering if you should enrol, the answer is YES! You'll learn more than you can imagine and have fun doing it."

- Jennifer, USA


Blue Amrich

Embark was exactly the motivation I needed to try new things and improve my skills! I chose to do all of the challenges with my own dog and I had so much fun shooting and playing with him. Now, I have some photos of him that I absolutely love plus new skills to use in the future!

Andrea Fleury

I loved Embark! It got me out shooting and trying new things. I loved being part of a group of other photographers who were all working on the same things. The support from Craig and Charlotte was incredible. These challenges really help you spice things up, push you outside your comfort zone and turn you into a much better photographer.

Karen Black

Embark forced me to think differently about what I was doing behind the lens. It helped me to
s  l  o  w    d  o w  n
and really think about how I could add more creativity or interest to an image. It was also a great motivator to scout for new locations!

How does it work?

Embark is an interactive dog photography course based on completing shooting challenges. The course runs for six months, and includes 12 challenges - a new one every two weeks.

We guide you step-by-step through the creation of each shot.
We provide a full instructional video, behind-the-scenes footage, plenty of real-life examples and stories, a downloadable cheat sheet and daily encouragement and inspiration.

Meet your new friends in the community.
Each year we create a private group in our community just for Embarkers! Get support, feedback and inspiration in this friendly and supportive Embark community.

At the end of each two-week challenge, you get feedback.
In a recorded feedback video we provide constructive critique (guaranteed to help you improve) and select the Top 20 and Top 10 images. This has been described by many as the most valuable part of the experience!

Get your work shared.
Get valuable exposure for your website, blog or social media accounts if your submission is selected for the Top 20 or Top 10 - we share on our socials and blog.

Finish up with final celebration of all your hard work.
At the end of the six month course, we wrap up with the Embark Awards! We assess all the completed image portfolios and choose an overall winner plus second and third place, plus an overall winner of each individual challenge.

Improve your skills and get your photo-mojo back with Embark!

Embark Inclusions

  • Membership to the private Embark community
  • Instructional video for every challenge, also available in blog post and podcast-style audio
  • Cheat Sheet PDF download for each challenge to take on shoots
  • Regular encouragement emails with inspirational images and deadline reminders
  • Easy upload and management of your challenge images
  • Opportunity to be featured in our Top 20 social media shares, and Top 10 blog post for each individual challenge
  • We record our feedback and Top 10/20 selection process for each challenge, so you can watch the recording for feedback on your submitted image.
  • Badges for Top 10 and Top 20 for social media sharing, and a badge and certificate for the overall challenge winner
And when you complete all twelve individual challenges by the final due date:
  • Automatic entry into the final Embark Awards where you could win cash prizes for first ($500), second ($250) and third ($100) place!
  • Digital completion certificate

Jacqui Jensen-Roy

Charlotte and Craig have done an incredible job. These challenges will get you out shooting, push you to think hard and try harder, and your photography will improve as a result. You’ll have a whole new set of skills and experiences. The other participants are supportive and the bar is HIGH!  

Keri Nakahashi

Embark was an interactive  challenge that pushed me to explore different locations, do something “outside the box” for each challenge, and really focus on my style. I chose to do all 12 challenges with my own dog, so it was very refreshing to just shoot for fun and try new things!

Michelle Crandall

I am part of several pet photography education groups and nothing has gotten me behind the lens like Embark. It is easy to get feedback both from other photographers in the group and Craig and Charlotte. My portfolio has expanded and my skillset has grown more in the past 6 months than in the past 2 years! 

We don't just throw themes at you and leave you to your own devices...

We show you how to shoot capture these diverse shot ideas, with instructional videos, cheat sheets and some fun behind-the-scenes videos into our own photo shoots!

Learn exactly how to create these shots...

Let's find some COLOUR!
Learn how to find and incorporate bold colour into your photos, whether it's a natural or a man made location.

Why low is the new high.
Find out why getting down low can completely transform your pet photography, and exactly how to do it properly.

Don't be shy to center!
Discover why centering is such a powerful compositional technique, and when you should (and shouldn't) use it.

A tail of two genres.
Showcase the landscape but make the dog the star of the show - we'll show you exactly how to do it!

Not just a dog on a log.
Learn the many advantages to elevating your subject - it's a handling technique and so much more!

Who can resist these shots?
Discover how to bring the emotion and connection to this classic shot, and how to make those eyes extra captivating!

Head downtown.
Take the stress out of urban shoots by finding the best spots, how to work with the light, plus essential handling tips.

Ready, set, action!
Shooting action isn't just about camera settings - we'll share some crucial secrets to getting amazing action shots.

Expression is king!
Inject some personality into your work by learning to elicit expression and create connection.

Warm up to this technique.
Ever wondered how to capture those incredible, warm, glowing backlit shots? We share all the secrets!

Wanted: water babies!
Splashy water play shots exude joy and fun, and we share how to capture them safely and sharply!

It's time to par-tay!
The ultimate action challenge to test your newfound action photography skills, this one brings the fun and games.

When you've completed Embark you'll be able to...

 Find the right angle to shoot from to make your subject the hero!

Find the best spot to shoot from in a challenging natural or man-made environment

Confidently position your subject in the frame for excellent composition

Connect with your subject for amazing expression

 Use handling techniques to encourage the dog to stay put!

 Capture sharp, expressive action shots! 

Shoot confidently with backlight

Capture fun, expressive and sharp candid action!

"Embark is a brilliantly creative and fun way to upskill the beauty of pet photography and learn new techniques from the best in the business. Charlotte and Craig are supportive, encouraging and convey their insights and knowledge to be successful in really clear and easy to follow ways."

- Yamile, USA

Embark Pricing


$497 USD

Embark Opens for Enrolment on April 20, 2025

Standard Inclusions

  • Lifetime access to comprehensive dog photography educational content
  • Participate in 12 shooting challenges bi-weekly over 6 months
  • Full instructional videos for each challenge
  • Fun "behind the scenes" videos from your instructors of their experiences shooting for the challenges
  • Cheat Sheet PDF downloads for each challenge
  • Interactive participation over the 6-month course - runs from May 1 until October 31, 2025
  • Reminder and inspiration emails for each challenge
  • Personal recorded feedback on all your submitted challenge images from Charlotte and Craig
  • Opportunity to have your image included in the Top 20 or even Top 10 when you submit on the timeline
  • Awarded images are featured on our social channels and blog for an SEO boost
  • Automatic entry in the Embark Awards - win cash prizes! Winner receives $500, second place receives $250 and third place receives $100
  • Digital certification including completion certificates, winner certificates and achievement badges
  • Popup Facebook group membership - a supportive and inspirational community!
 Payment Options
  • Premium Members discount available* Save $50!
  • Optional add-on Private Portfolio Review** Add $297 $247
  • Payment plan will be available


* Members discount. If you are an Unleashed Education Premium Member we have emailed you with the discount code, but if you need us to send this again please get in touch.

** Private Portfolio Review. Add this on when you enrol to get a one hour online review call with Charlotte or Craig to get feedback on your completed Embark portfolio within three months of completion. Availability is limited!

Enrolment opens soon!

Just this much longer until enrolment opens...









Frequently Asked Questions

We know you probably have a lot of questions about exactly how Embark works, so we’ve put together some answers for you. If your query isn't answered here, please get in touch.

Requirements and Suitability


Premium Membership

Discover the Premium Membership

"I’ve learned so much from participating in Embark and have experimented with my photography more than I ever have before. The challenges have really helped me think more about how I approach each session in order to achieve variety throughout. Charlotte and Craig are always encouraging and constructive with feedback and the Facebook Members group is such a happy place to be. Thank you so much for a fantastic experience."

- Sarah, UK

Here's what some of our previous Embarkers had to say about their experience!

Plus, check out their amazing challenge images and awards!